The transition of a relationship separation through the lens of the workplace
Over half the adult population is married, but unfortunately, 42% marriages end in divorce. How many people in your your company may be facing separation, divorce or a co-parenting transition?
The Positive Parenting Alliance found that 95% of employees’ mental health was negatively impacted by the ending of a significant relationship
As a company, I ask you to consider the impact of the latest research and ask in which ways are you currently supporting your employees...
90% of employees reported that relationship breakdown impacted their ability to do their job. A staggering 75% admitted to being less effective in their work and 40% had to take time away from work, moreover, 10% felt they had to give up their job completely.
What impact is this having on your company?

What do these stats mean for your company?
7.6% of sickness absence is attributed to stress, depression, and anxiety annually in the UK. This equates to 14.3 million lost working days per year. (1)
Analysis by Deloitte, found that poor mental health costs UK employers up to £45 billion each year. (2)
For every £1 spent by employers on mental health interventions they’ll get £5 back in reduced absence, presenteeism and staff turnover. (3)
A company with as few as 100 employees, on an average salary of £25,000, can lose almost £250,000 a year due to employees facing separation, divorce or transitioning into a co-parenting relationship. (2)
1. Health Matters (2020) Work-related stress, anxiety or depression statistics in Great Britain https://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/causdis/stress.pdf 2. Deloitte (2020) Poor mental health costs UK employers https://www2.deloitte.com/uk/en/pages/press-releases/articles/poor-mental-health-costs- uk-employers-up-to-pound-45-billion-a-year.html. 3.E Hampson & A Jacob, (2020) Mental health and Employers https://www2.deloitte.com/content/ dam/Deloitte/uk/Documents/consultancy/deloitte-uk-mental-health-and-employers.pdf 4. FTC
What We Can Offer You
By creating space for meaningful conversations we breakdown the taboo and demystify the impact of divorce, separation and child arrangements.
We equip you HR teams, leaders, managers and employees with the unique skills they need to effectively foster an inclusive workforce built on knowledge and a unique skill set.
Coaching Packages
In enabling you to create a supportive and inclusive environment where loyalty is important to your employees we offer bespoke coaching packages for your staff who are directly affected by divorce.